In the spring of 2019, director of missions Mike Baker called together the pastors in his association and asked if each one would consider writing a chapter for a book that could be used to inspire the people in their congregations as well as others.
“Faith Brought Surrender: Heart Stories from Pastors of the Palmetto Baptist Association in South Carolina” is the result of that joint effort.
The book contains 19 stories from the association’s pastors and one from Baker himself. The stories are diverse — from the tale of a young Army sergeant who heard God’s call on his life in the midst of a harrowing tour of Vietnam; to another who survived being shot in a hunting accident and later being hit by a train; to story after story of men who ran from God before surrendering to His call to serve as ministers of the gospel.
Bryant Sims, pastor of First Mount Moriah Baptist Church in Greenwood and 2019 president of the South Carolina Baptist Convention, says “Faith Brought Surrender” is an encouraging resource.
“Nothing is as mutually difficult and rewarding as pastoring the local church in our day and time,” said Sims. “This compilation of testimonies takes you through the heart of it all from a pastor’s perspective.”
Rudy Gray, editor of The Baptist Courier, said the common theme of the book “is that of a faithful and loving God who demonstrates His amazing grace in often unexpected ways.”
Baker says the pastors whose chapters appear in Faith Brought Surrender are “not perfect men, but fine men — and when you read their stories and illustrations, you will see and feel what I mean by that. Get a box of tissues ready, for your heart is going to be warmed.”
To purchase the book, call the Palmetto Association office at 864-847-7348, or send a check for $15 plus $2.40 for shipping to Palmetto Baptist Association, P.O. Box 7, Williamston, S.C., 29697.
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