Pat A. Bishop of Greer has written a six-part Bible study that zeroes in on specific words found in the Scriptures: gentleness, servanthood, humility, speech and trust.
“God’s Words Are Something Special” is designed to be effective across a wide spectrum of groups — men, women, singles and youth.
The book draws on Bishop’s experiences as a wife, mother, businesswoman, Bible teacher and public speaker. After she retired at 79, she began to wonder what God would have her do.
“I’ve always needed a focus in my life,” says Bishop. “As I look back, I know God was preparing me for such a time as this, giving me ideas and concepts that had been dormant in my mind for years. I formed a company called Something Special. This study guide is just one of the many projects that are on the drawing board.”
Ralph Carter, pastor of Brushy Creek Baptist Church in Taylors, where Bishop teaches a singles-again Sunday school class, said Bishop “is the embodiment of the truth she seeks to pass on” in her book. Patricia DesJardins, a class member, said Bishop is “a dedicated follower of God and uses wisdom to customize lessons with loving care.”
To purchase “God’s Words Are Something Special,” visit or call 864-325-8594.
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