The Baptist Courier | Courier Publishing

Gorgeous Gigi


Courier Publishing is pleased to announce the release of “Gorgeous Gigi: A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,” written and illustrated by Marion Harley.

Written in verse, this colorful book introduces readers to Gorgeous Gigi, an affectionate little dog who came into her owner’s life and changed it for the better. But Harley’s book is more than just a story about a beloved pet — it also offers an informative owner’s guide, of sorts, for those who have ever thought about adopting a member of this endearing canine breed.

Whether it’s through heartwarming glimpses into Gorgeous Gigi’s life at home (she likes to watch TV and cuddle), or dispensing informational tidbits about how a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel enjoys enhanced color vision and is a good therapy dog for hospital patients and nursing home residents, Harley’s book is sure to find a receptive audience with readers young and old.

Harley is a retired elementary school assistant principal. Before becoming an educator, she was a paralegal in the United States General Accounting Office.

It has always been her passion to become a writer and an artist. Her poetry has appeared in Rhyme Time and in The Aiken Standard. It is her hope that her book will give all who share it with children the opportunity to engage in interesting conversations.

Her family was a Boxer family for 30 years, but it was not until she owned her first Cavalier that she fell completely in love with the breed.

She lives in Aiken County with her husband, Paul.

“Gorgeous Gigi” is available from the author by calling 803-258-8376 or writing to Marion Harley, P.O. Box 6656, Aiken, S.C., 29804. If paying by check, please remit $14.75, which includes taxes and shipping. Harley’s book is also available at online booksellers including, and

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