‘Prove It to Me’


Seeing the truth of Scripture in action can speak more clearly to some people than merely hearing the words of a sermon. That’s the inspiration behind Martha Axmann’s short drama, Prove It to Me, in which a young man comes to belief in Jesus by seeing the miracles of the Bible depicted before his own eyes. Prove It to Me is easily staged by most churches or modest-sized groups, and its message of hope will resonate long after the audience has departed and the last lights have dimmed.

About the Author

Martha Axmann, a retired school teacher who has been recognized for professional excellence, is a graduate of Anderson University and Furman University. She is the author of She Won the Race, Daniel Morgan Comes Alive, and a drama, The Three Questions. She is an active member of First Baptist Church of Spartanburg, South Carolina. She is the mother of two children, and has three grandchildren and a dog named Benji.

How to Order

Prove It to Me is available online through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other retailers by clicking on the links at top left of this page. If you prefer to purchase a signed copy directly from the author, call Martha Axmann at 864-574-8579 or email her at maxmann@charter.net.

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