Trust God’s Promises


In Trust God’s Promises, Dr. Wayne Dickard shares rich insight into ten promises God has made to His people. More than words in an ancient text, the promises of God are active, real, and reliable. Unlike fallible men and women, God is truthful and unchanging, therefore He can be trusted to fulfill His promises in His timing and perfect way. The author reminds us that God always follows through on His Word — His holy bond. God fulfills His promises sometimes in ways that are beyond our understanding, but fulfill them He does!

Dr. Wayne Dickard is a retired pastor who holds five earned academic degrees, including the doctor of ministry from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has led revivals and evangelistic efforts in eleven states and five countries during his forty-five-year ministry. He has served on boards and agencies for the Southern Baptist Convention and was the president of the South Carolina Baptist Convention in 2004. He is married to Anita Sanders Dickard. They have two sons, Stephen and Daniel, and six grandchildren.

Praise for Trust God’s Promises:

Dig into the pages of this book with confidence. Trust God’s Promises walks through the Scripture to identify ten magnificent promises that are more certain than the ground upon which we stand. Dr. Wayne Dickard’s voice is that of a powerful preacher whose insight helps us find rich application and abundant hope. — Joe Hopkins, President, Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, Kentucky

Dr. Wayne Dickard’s latest book is full of practical truths to sustain, strengthen and encourage. There is not another author whom I had rather read who expounds upon the promises of God. It is a must-read about God’s faithfulness and how you can apply these nuggets of truth to your life. — Julie Hammett Cannon, Author, wife, mother, public school counselor

Every chapter of Trust God’s Promises is based on the Word of God, which contains His “great and precious promises.” While our world is changing every day, our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. This book is a timely reminder that all the promises of God are YES and AMEN in Jesus! — Gary Hollingsworth, Executive Director-Treasurer South Carolina Baptist Convention

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