Forty Days with Ezekiel and Friends


When the Clemens family lands at the airport in Tel Aviv, Israel, the father of the clan, who has longed to visit the Holy Land ever since he was a college freshman, descends the escalator, walks briskly up to the tour guide awaiting their arrival and says, “Howdy, neighbor, do you know Jesus?”

To his surprise, the guide replies that, yes, Jesus is his Lord and Savior. “I believe in Yeshua Messiah,” says the young man, whose name is Ezekiel (“Zeke” for short).

Thus begins a special relationship between Zeke and the Clemens family (Dad and Mom, teen Thomas, twelve-year-old twins Paul and Paula, and Zoe, eight).

Over the next several days, fueled by Dad’s and Zeke’s shared interest in the prophet Ezekiel, the Clemens parents model Deuteronomy 6:6-7 as they talk with their kids about the book of Ezekiel and how it relates to other biblical passages.

Join them in this forty-day conversational devotional, and learn more about an important Old Testament prophet known mostly for speaking to a valley of dry bones but who had a lot more to say – words of judgment, instruction and promise — from God to His chosen people.

Each day’s entry includes an activity, discussion questions and a prayer, and there is a leader’s guide at the end of the book.

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