Tammy Batson and her daughter, Tara Batson Davis, have released their first three children’s books in a series called “Mom & Me.”
The three books, subtitled “Family Reunion,” “At the Beach” and “Storms,” are the realization of an idea that Tammy and her late sister, Suzanne J. Williams, first imagined more than 17 years ago. They both loved children’s books and thought it would be fun to write and illustrate them together.
Suzanne quickly wrote nine stories, and Tammy set about working on the illustrations. Tragically, before they could finish their project, Suzanne died of a severe asthma attack while on vacation.
Now, 16 years later, Tammy and Tara have revived the family project, illustrating the stories that Suzanne wrote. The main character in the books is Olivia, a blonde, pig-tailed little girl who learns life lessons from her family experiences and from the Bible lessons her mom shares with her.
“We want what Suzie wanted for these books,” said Tammy, “and that’s for as many children as possible to have them in their hands. The messages at the end are clear and easy for a child to understand.”
Each “Mom & Me” book is $10, which includes free shipping. To purchase, email MomAndMeBooks@gmail.com, call 864-380-8991 or visit Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mom-and-Me/1382712018686590.M
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